Archives: Layouts

Doug & Steve Kley – Lehigh Valley RR (HO)


LV RR Easton to Laurel Run; Reading RR Bethlehem to Alburtis w/Allentown Yard as focal point. Freight only. 1st and 2nd gen. diesels; 95% rolling stock authentic to 1973 -1975. Around wall and peninsula – 2 levels; 4 staging locations; diesels; operating hump yard; walk around throttles; 1 dispatcher, 1 towerman; 1 yard operator.… More...

Ken Poznaniak – Chesapeake, Susquehanna and Western Railroad (HO)


Ken Poznaniak’s Chesapeake, Susquehanna and Western Railroad (HO) is a contemporary line featuring Amtrak passenger trains and modern, high capacity freight trains. This fully scenicked, bi-level layout is connected at each end by a helix permitting running or point to point DCC Digitrak operation.

Featured industries include a coal processing plant with an automated, continuous running, coal loading facility and an automated rotary dumper for the hopper cars at a large power plant. A major steel mill with dual blast furnaces, rolling mill, and all the necessary support facilities generates much of the traffic for the railroad, and … More...

Tom Brown – New England RR (HO)


This late steam, early diesel, 1954 era railroad runs from Portland, ME to Burlington, VT. Full prototype passenger operations for New England, along with way-freights and yard operations. Published in MR, May 1993.  Changed to New England prototype since publication.… More...
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