Located in the Haddon Heights, NJ Train Station Photos from 1/10/2015 by Howard KaplanWebsite Updates
08/13/29 - August issue of The Dispatcher
08/24/24 - September meet info updated
05/08/24 - Election Issue of The Dispatcher posted
04/28/24 - Kato Miniature Diorama Circus clinic posted
04/13/24 - April issue of The Dispatcher
03/17/24 - February issue of The Dispatcher - updated. "On the Road" columns added. Jersey Division car now $20 - see flyer in the issue for details.
03/09/24 - Achievement Program Honor Roll and Member Progress updated
01/18/24 - PJ Mattson Estate Sale postponed until Feb, 10.
01/05/24 - January issue of The Dispatcher
12/23/23 - Note new venue for January 13 joint meet in New Jersey.
12/12/23 - January Joint Meet posted, Oaks Train show posted - see right sidebar
10/31/23 - October issue of The Dispatcher
9/9/23 - MER 2023 Convention Update posted
9/9/23 - August issue of The Dispatcher updated with latest MER 2023 convention information
8/31/23 - August issue of The Dispatcher
7/20/23 - August joint meet update
7/18/23 - July issue of The Dispatcher
7/15/23 - Upcoming meets - see center section of page
6/1/23 - May issue of The Dispatcher
5/26/23 - June meet details
4/5/23 - March issue of The Dispatcher
3/30/23 - April meet details
2/7/23 - February meet details
1/19/23 - Sign up to receive emails (If not already receiving them)
1/8/23 - December issue of The Dispatcher, January meet details
11/5/22 - Open Houses (see middle section)
10/27/22 - October issue of The Dispatcher
10/18/22 - Division timetable updated
9/19/22 - December Train Show
8/27/22 - August issue of The Dispatcher
8/22/22 - September meet details posted, upcoming events
7/17/22 - Election results posted - see center section
5/31/22 - May issue of The Dispatcher
5/25/22 - June meet details posted
4/7/22 - September meet location updated
4/1/22 - March issue of The Dispatcher
3/23/22 - April Meet update
2/1/22 - February Meet update
11/1/21 - October issue of The Dispatcher
8/25/21 - August issue of The Dispatcher
8/18/21 - September meet details posted
7/9/21 - Audio minutes of the June 2021 Annual Business Meeting
7/9/21 - New officers posted - see center section
7/9/21 - Division timetable updated
6/28/21 - Board of Directors Election Results - see center section
6/15/21 - June Meet Zoom login info posted
6/9/21 - June Meet changes posted
6/6/21 - June issue of The Dispatcher posted
6/4/21 - June Meet details posted
5/26/21 - May (Election) issue of The Dispatcher posted - contains ballot
4/19/21 - March issue of The Dispatcher posted (due to technical issues, the full online version is not available--the printed version has been posted. Hopefully the material that would have appeared in the March online version will appear in the June version.)
3/24/21 - April meet details posted
2/13/21 - Home Page Featured Layout - Alden Smith
1/5/2021 - January Meet Login Details posted
12/29/20 - January Meet Details posted
12/28/20 - December issue of The Dispatcher posted
10/30/20 - Robert Putnick - Layouts added/updated
10/25/20 - October issue of The Dispatcher posted
10/22/20 - November Meet Details posted
9/14/20 - September Meet Details posted
8/29/20 - August Newsletter Posted
7/30/20 - September Meet Update
6/29/20 - Announcements - see center section of home page
5/31/20 - June Meet Update
5/19/20 - May issue of The Dispatcher posted
5/4/20 - April (election) issue of The Dispatcher posted
3/23/20 The Dispatcher - corrections, added list of industries in Reading City Branch article
3/22/20 The Dispatcher March issue posted
1/8/20 - layout videos updated, event calendar updated
2/5/20 - All remaining newsletter back issues posted
In 2015, I went to see this modular HO layout with members of my school’s train club. We took a Burlington Northern train to Haddon Heights, and then a Rio Grande train back to base in Medford Lakes.
Do you know Ms. Murray? She was our original club president, she’s a science teacher and she does dry ice labs thrice a year. She has a silver Chrysler PT Cruiser, and gets the dry ice from Mack the Ice Man in Runnemede, which is close to Haddon Heights. I bet the DSMRRC members get their ice there too.
Unfortunately, one member of the DSMRRC told one member of our club, Jon Stech, that an Amtrak coal train to from Camden to the power station at Beesley’s Point was going to pass through Haddon Heights, but we didn’t have enough time to watch it pass, so instead we went back to Medford Lakes via Rio Grande. Sadly, Jon graduated from our school system in 2016, and is now looking at becoming a fireman because when he was little, he remembers watching “There Goes a Fire Truck” a million times. I sure hope he puts a siren on his car and goes WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW!!!!