Philadelphia & New Jersey Division Joint Meet

Date(s) - Saturday, January 10, 2015
9:00 AM

Haddon Township High School
406 Memorial Ave.
Westmont, NJ 08108



Our annual joint meet with the New Jersey Division will be held on Saturday, January 10, 2014 at 9:00am at the Haddon Township High School in Westmont, NJ. For those receiving information solely via the printed Dispatcher, please be aware that this is one week earlier than listed in the last issue. Please see the map above or consult page 7 of the December issue of The Dispatcher.

The format of this meet will be Works-in-Progress, a round-robin type of format, which will feature multiple, simultaneous, thirty-minute presentations. Topics will include building a car-float bridge, photo etching, LED layout lights, track work in pavement, and much more. Some involve active demonstrations while others describe approaches to modeling.

For those not familiar with the WIP format, the program provides members with choices to select clinic presentations that meet their individual model railroading interests and needs. The format is similar to “round table presentations” found at many professional conferences and conventions in the business and academic world. Our venue, the large cafeteria, provides rows of tables with chairs. Clinic presenters will set up their equipment and materials around the room. Members can choose from the various topics, go to the clinic location, and sit or stand nearby to see, hear, observe and learn about the particular clinic topic. The clinic presenter uses a more informal format with his presentation with appropriate interaction with his audience, much as one would do demonstrating at one’s own workbench. Each clinic session lasts 30 minutes. A signal alerts all when the time period ends so members can move to another clinic location. The process repeats for a total of 4 sessions. A break occurs between sessions 2 and 3.

The only real downside to this format, mentioned frequently, is that there are more clinics of interest than there is time to attend. Well, we can’t please everyone, but most members still agree that this is a welcome alternative to the traditional clinic format.

Come ready to choose your clinic topics and enjoy the program. If your preferred clinic appears too crowded, consider attending another, and then return to your first choice during one of the later sessions. Be flexible and have fun.

A popular vote model contest in the category of “Detailed Weathered Reefers” will be held for those so inclined to participate.

The cafeteria where the meet is held provides much space for selling or shopping for model railroad-related items. If you need swap table space, contact Bob Clegg at

There will be several layouts open Saturday afternoon from 1 to 5pm. Maps and directions will be available at the meet.

For more meet details, please consult the New Jersey Division website at A direct link to the January Clinkers, when available, will be posted here.

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