Date(s) - Saturday, February 15, 2025
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Bridgeworks Enterprise Center
905 Harrison St., Room 120
Allentown, PA 18103
Saturday February 15, 2025, the Philadelphia Division once again travels up to Allentown to join the Susquehanna Division who will be hosting our next meet. The location is the Bridgeworks Enterprise Center, 905 Harrison Street, Allentown, PA 18103. Doors open at 9:00am with the morning’s events to begin at 9:30am. Note later than usual starting time.
For our first clinic the Susquehanna Division will present David Trussell, the creator, founder and builder of the Colorado Model Railroad Museum in Greeley CO. Mr. Trussell will share the museum’s video presentation showing all aspects of this monumental model railroad. He will take questions while expanding on the presented video content. To preview the presentation, check out the museum’s website at
The second clinic titled “What Can We Do to Increase Participation in the Hobby?” will be presented by our own board director, Steve Wysowski. Steve will be discussing ways we can make the hobby more accessible to potential new members. He will aslo be addressing the biggest fears that prevent people looking seriously at model railroading: space and complexity. He will offer his suggestions as well as those of others, with discussion of what some have already done and continue to do.
All attendees are encouraged to bring a model to the meet to display and discuss, if you like, during our Show & Tell session. Make sure to include your name and description of your project.
In addition, the Achievement Program Committee is now judging models at the meets. If you wish to have a model judged, please inform either Earl Paine or Joe Walters in advance of the meet.
There will be drawings for door prizes, and coffee, donuts, and Philly soft pretzels will be available.
The afternoon features model railroad visitation. Hope you can make it!