Date(s) - Saturday, November 18, 2017
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Brandywine Town Center
4050 Brandywine Parkway
Wilmington, DE 19803
Located near the intersection of US-202 (Concord Pk.) and DE-92 (Naaman’s Rd.)
Held at the Community Center in front of the shopping center near the fountain and pool.
As has become customary, the Philadelphia Division of the NMRA will hold its late fall meet in the Community Center at Brandywine Town Center in Wilmington, Delaware. The date is Saturday, November 18, 2017 and the time is 9:00am with doors opening at 8:30am.
The first clinic of our morning program will be presented by member Joe Walters. Joe is an HO modeler residing in Delaware and has become something of a phe-nom, having zipped through a Golden Spike and five AP certificates within a short time after becoming an NMRA member.
Joe will share his expertise on the topic of “Flat Casting in Two-Part Resin.” The discussion will involve creating detail parts, buildings, vehicles, etc., from simple flat casting molds. His presentation will include many photos of both the process and the results. These castings can be seen in various areas on Joe’s model railroad which will be open following the meet. Joe is also the coordinator for the DE and MD layouts in the November Model Railroad Open House event.
Next up will be member Mike Baker with his clinic entitled “HO Vehicle Modeling.” There are various types of HO vehicle kits in the marketplace. They are produced in a variety of materials: plastic, resin, white metal, and brass. This presentation will include a discussion of the available kits, plus examples and techniques that produce excellent results in building and finishing.
Mike is a custom model builder and owner of TMB Custom Models in Newark, Delaware. He also produces a line of craftsman kits known as Nick & Nora Designs.
As usual we’ll have coffee, donuts, and Philly soft pretzels, the white elephant table, door prizes, 50/50 raffle, and a model display table. Members are encouraged to bring projects in any stage of completion to display and discuss if desired.
NOTE: There will be a meeting of the 2019 MER Convention Committee immediately following the meet in the same location. Anyone who wants is still invited to participate. We will need a lot of volunteers.
Remember that as soon as you join the committee and commit to volunteering in some capacity you rack up one point per month toward your AP Volunteer Certificate. If you join now with 24 months to the convention, that’s 24 volunteer points toward the requirement of 40.
The afternoon fare consists of layout tours courtesy of the November Model Railroad Open House events. As November is model railroad month, private and club model railroads in central and southeastern Pennsylvania, south Jersey, Delaware and eastern Maryland graciously open their layouts to visitors. Links to the schedules can be found on the home page of the Division website.