The meeting was held at St. Alban’s Church in Newtown Square, PA.
- Business Meeting
- Superintendent Joe Bergmaier was unable to addend the meeting. Meeting was called to order by Assistant Superintendent Charles Butsch.
- Election: Slate of candidates was re-elected.
- Treasurer Howard Kaplan gave report.
- AP Chairman Brian Good spoke about the Achievement Program and presented certificates as follows: Golden Spike: Alden Smith; Civil Engineering: Earl Paine.
- Clerk Mark Wallace gave report on updating member information on the NMRA website.
- Website committee member Howard Kaplan gave report on new website.
- Business meeting adjourned.
- Director at Large and Ops Chairman Rob Hinkle gave his clinic titled “Operations Bootcamp.”
- Awards presented to Charles Butsch and Rick Cline for winning entries in November 2013 meet model contest.
- A Kadee HO Reading hopper was raffled and guest Rob Ischlinger was the winner.
- Following lunch, Rob Hinkle presented a short orientation to operations on the StARR club layout. Members proceeded downstairs to the club for further orientation and crew assignments. The operating session concluded around 4PM.