November Meet Recap

Sketch_Brandywine Pkwy Center1_750x500November was National Model Railroad Month and to start it on the right foot, the Philadelphia Division returned on Saturday, the first to the Brandywine Town Center just north of Wilmington, DE for our November meet.

Mike Baker of Nick & Nora Designs in Newark, DE started off the morning with a presentation of his modeling and painting techniques involving maintenance-of-way equipment.

Next, Bob Clegg, superintendent of the New Jersey Division, gave the group a PowerPoint presentation introducing the 2015 MER convention, called the “Delaware Valley Turn” which will be held in Mt. Laurel, NJ, next October, 2015. Our division will be assisting in its production. There was a lively exchange of ideas and some of the attendees volunteered to help out.

Our second clinic was presented by Alden Smith of his Western Maryland-themed layout. Member Bill Fagan shot video from a camera mounted on a moving flat car to give us a “cab ride” of Alden’s layout. Using the video, Alden was able to stop at points of interest to discuss modeling, how the layout evolved, and its construction.

MER General Contest Chairman Martin Brechbiel presented our third clinic on how to fill out and submit paperwork for those contests and Achievement Program model entries.

Our model contest winner was Rick Cline for his scratch-built Reading Camelback 4-4-0 #243, complete with a Reading work train consisting of crane #90631, GM wheel car #90964, gon #28967 and a northeast caboose to bring up the markers. The theme of the model contest was “anything goes” and we thank all of those who brought in their models to share. The division also recognized and thanked St. Alban’s RR Club (StARR) for having hosted our June meet. George Phillips was on hand to receive a certificate of appreciation.

Thanks to all of the clinicians, presenters, and for helping to make an otherwise rainy Saturday both an enjoyable and informative day. And, of course, thanks to all the division members and guests who attended. We hope you had fun.

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